Yesterday was Asa's first day of Army work! I got up with him and helped him get everything together. I could tell he was really nervous, since neither of us knew what the day had in store for either of us.

Marley was exhausted and not ready to wake up at 6:45 am, so she slept right through me getting her dressed, Asa carrying her to the car, and dropping him off at work!

He had to be there at 7:15 am, for a day of paper work and processing. He said that he managed to get through the entire day without getting in trouble or doing anything wrong. He met the guys in his unit and said they are all really nice.
Marley and I kept ourselves busy with a trip to the park! The weekend was miserably rainy, so when the sun peaked out from behind a cloud in the morning, I threw her in the car and we went to the park. It was a little colder than I wanted it to be, but she had a blast! She knows when we drive by a park now, and goes crazy with excitement!

After a trip to Walmart, lunch, and a nap, Marley and I went back to the park again. It was much warmer this time, and there were also tons of other kids there. She loves going down the slide after me... we probably did that no less than 10 times. While we were at the park, Asa called and said that he couldn't do any more paper work until he found a place to live. It was top priority, so his Sargent drove him around looking at places all afternoon. We looked all over and finally decided on a place (a different place than the one we had picked out Friday).

So, we decided at 5 pm, right when the office was closing, that we wanted
that house. We ran back to the office and they ended up staying open for us for an hour, while we filled out the application and did other paperwork. They approved us, but we didn't have the cash for deposit, so we had to come back first thing this morning. We ended up going with one of the realtors to look at the inside (yes, we decided we wanted it but simply looking in the windows) and it was way bigger than it looked like from the outside. It has two bedrooms, which are both a great size, and 1 and a half bathrooms. The tub in enormous and it has new appliances. There are a few cosmetic things that Asa will want to do, but nothing major. I left the house so so excited about living there!
We went and had dinner in Rolla and went to the bank there to get the deposit. Earlier in the day, I bought Marley and I a swim suit at Walmart. So, when we got back to the hotel, we went swimming! Marley LOVED it! She has only been swimming twice in her life, and this time was definitely the most successful! We taught her to kick, paddle her arms, and even put her face in the water. She kept saying "bath" like we were all taking a bath together! And she was very heartbroken to leave.

This morning, we were at the realtor's office 10 minutes before they opened, and gave them the deposit. We signed the lease and then ran all over town setting up the utilities. We ended up finding out that the house is on a well and has its own septic tank, so will not have to pay for either of those. And we can move in tomorrow morning! I am so excited! No word yet on when we will be coming home to move, but as soon as I know everyone will know. I am so happy that tonight it our last night in a hotel and tomorrow Marley, Asa and I will have room to spread out!
YAAAY! Looks like the perfect house for your new home! I'll need an address when you have time ;-)
Also, way to go on staying busy and active! All that swimming and parking going! Looks like you're having fun :-)
YAY! I am so excited for you guys! I went and looked at all the pics last night of the house and it is so cute!
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