Tonight, Asa, Marley, and I spent our last evening together. Even though Marley was with us, it was still a date. We got all dressed up and had a great meal at the most expensive place in town: the Hibachi grill. Asa had made a list of the things he wanted to do when he got home, and this was one of the things on the list. He said all of the guys in his bay agreed they would all eat at the most expensive restaurant in town while they were home.

Marley was STARVING, so she couldn't stop signing "eat" while we were waiting for the Hibachi man to get there.

We go to Benihana's in Houston all the time with my grandparents, but there are always tons of people there. In Nacogdoches, there aren't a lot of people who come to this restaurant. So, literally, we were the only people there. I would have been scared that we were about to get poisoned, but we had eaten there before and knew it was good. I felt really awkward because I didn't know if they were going to wait until more people came, or if we were going to be the only people there. Either way would have been awkward, but they decided to just cook for us as a party of three.

The poor guy is used to having a big group to perform for, so we were probably pretty boring to him. But, he was excited that Marley loved his food! She ate scrambled eggs and fried rice, and then started to steal food off of our plates!

After dinner, we stopped to get ice cream on our way out to shoot off fireworks. Marley fell asleep in the car on the way there (she has taken at least two naps every day recently!), so she was rested and ready. We got all the fireworks laid out, gathered wood for a fire, and got all dressed in our hats, jackets, and gloves. And then Asa realized he forgot a lighter! We practically turned the car over looking for one before Asa called his friend Bradley who lived nearby and asked him to bring us one. We waited in the warm car for him to get there, while Marley pretended to drive and we figured out Marley's new favorite food group: jelly beans.

Marley actually loved the fireworks. She and I ended up staying in the car to avoid the cold, so she sat with her face against the glass watching them light up and signing "more please" when they went out!

Due to Marley's nap on the out to light fireworks, she was energized and ready to play when we got home. She and Asa sat on the bed playing while I put clothes away. And they had a great time. Marley was laughing the hardest I have ever heard her laugh, while Asa blew her shapes into the air. She was having so much fun, and it was a great memory for Asa to keep with him.

Marley has not been sleeping well lately. She has had a slight fever and she's getting four molars and life has just been busy in general, so I haven't been worrying about it too much. But she wakes up about an hour after I put her to sleep, and then an hour after that again. She woke up once right as we were getting ready for bed, so Asa went and got her and held her until I got done. Much to our surprise, she actually fell asleep with him! It was so sweet how proud he was and they looked so adorable together. He told me he could only stay there for a minute because he needed to get ready for bed, but he ended up passing out with her.

It was an emotional night, as we were constantly reminded this was our last night together. It could be three and a half months before we see each other again. A lot will change with Marley in three months, and I really really hope she will snuggle with him like normal when she sees him again.
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