Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sign List

Since Asa left, Marley has had a burst of new signs she knows in order to communicate with us. Now, she isn't really saying any words other than "uh-oh" and "eewww", but she sign over 20 words!

baby, bear, milk, cup, car, book, bath, apple, flower, hat, shirt, dog, cat, train, all done, more, ball, shoes, ice cream, cheese, duck, cookie, Cheerios, eat, brush teeth, tree, sleep, phone, Daddy!

So, that's 29! When Asa left, she could do four or five! I am so impressed with her every time I teach her a new one, it only takes her a few tries to get it. She will talk soon, I'm not worried about it, but for now it is amazing to be able to communicate with her.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Marley signing at Old Navy is all the proof I need that it is way cool to teach your kids to sign. She was adorable to watch!

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