Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Blog Catch-up

Marley has two new teeth (molars) that have come out on top and two more that are about to come through on the bottom!

Which bring me to my next point: Marley has been the queen of temper tantrums lately. I don't know if it's the teeth or the congestion or the changes in her life, but this kid is learning to throw herself a fit! Her favorite is to stomp her feet and wave her hands in front of her face, screaming like a wild animal.

She is obsessed with her baby dolls. She loves to hug and kiss them, put them to sleep, put them in their stroller or the shopping cart. She even wanted me to nurse them! She takes such good care of them most of the time, but then it cracks us all up when she gets mad and chunks them on the ground. I guess she's not quite ready for all the responsibility!

She has been much better than I expected about not touching the Christmas tree and presents. She will walk up to the tree and think about touching it, but she only rarely actually takes an ornament off. The presents are a little more tempting to her. We had a few smaller presents with bows in front, but they were way to enticing for her, so I had to move them around back. She has made a few small holes in some gifts trying to figure out what they are, but hopefully those people won't mind! If we spend three weeks telling her not to touch the presents, what is she going to do Christmas morning when we want her to tear it up?!

She loves to give hugs and kisses now. She wraps her little arms around my neck so tight, and I can forgive her for anything when she does it. If she accidentally hurts me or I am crying for some reason or another, she knows just what to do to make me smile again. And she has really been into giving me kisses when I am nursing her. She will just stop and hug and kiss me and give me the biggest smile in the world. It melt my heart. I hope she gives Asa one of those hugs on Friday.

My mom and I taught her the sign for "cold" the other day. This one really surprised me, because most of the signs she knows go along with a tangible object.Cold is a feeling and I wasn't sure she would get it. But today when we were walking in the WalMart parking lot, a bug gust of wind hit her face and she immediately did the signf or "cold" and smiled at me!

I have never seen a child who wants to brush her teeth as much as Marley. She is obsessed.

I had an ElfYourself video for my mom and Joel that has the two of them and Marley in it. We showed it to Marley and now she is also obsessed with that. She will sit in my mom's lap and watch it 6 times in a row, thinking it is absolutely hilarious every time.

I have noticed that when my mom comes home from work, Marley is always really excited to see her but she doesn't usually run up to her to kiss her. She gets my mom's attention and then she points at everything she can think of. We think it is kind of like her way of telling my mom about everything she has been doing and what toys she wants to show her. Then my mom will say "Did you do (blank) today?" And Marley will shake her head "no" to any possible question. I think it is so adorable though that she wants to show her everything.

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