Friday, July 31, 2009

Recent Milstones

Okay, some of these might not be "real" milestones that you find in books, but they are exciting none the less.

She can play ball with us. She loved to chase her ball around at my mom's house about a month ago. She would crawl around after it, and when she got to it she would hit it with her hand and keep going. This resulted in hours of fun. She still does this, but now she can also roll it back and forth to us. She thinks it so funny when she successfully gets it to me, and she loves the excitement of it coming towards her.

She can kind of say "dog". Sometimes it sounds like "gah" and sometimes it sounds like "dah", but she knows what we're saying. She always looks right at Kima after I say it, and most of the time she will say it right after me.

She has gotten so confident in her walking skills. I will be doing laundry in our bedroom and when I come out, she is walking half way down the hallway. She will walk across the living room for the toys she wants and follows us into the kitchen all the time. She gets a little too excited once she can see us though. She is doing fine until she starts laughing and then she falls. I don't want that part to stop though, it's so cute. Her little legs look so cute when she's walking. She is good enough to be able to walk in public places if I am holding her hand. The problem is this child HATES shoes. Even if they are only on for a second, she is screaming her head off. The other day, people were string at me like I was abusing her in Walmart when I was trying shoes on her. But I sure wish she would wear them because life might be a little more fun!

She is really starting to understand what we say. I know she knows what "no" means, but she chooses to ignore it. The main one that she always obeys is "sit down" in the bathtub. (At least she does for me... I hear Asa in there saying it like 20 times in a row when he gives her a bath.)

She is just so fun! She has so much personality and life to her and she really brightens every thing up.

I love her.

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