Friday, May 15, 2009

Teething Sucks

Last night was rough. It was a combination of the four teeth and not enough sleep during the day. She was over-tired and in pain, poor little thing. And today is just as bad. She's fussy, tired, whiny, and stubborn about everything. But she's still as cute as can be, somehow.

For the next two weeks, she will be staying with my mom in the morning while I have class: for three hours! So, they can eat, swing, nap, and play for three hours. And then hopefully she will be ready for a nap when I pick her up! My mom went to the store today and stocked up on plenty of things to feed her, and I think they are both excited. I will miss her, but it will be axtra sweet to see her at noon!

We still haven't made any progress with the fire fighter and EMT training. The only lady who knows about the EMT training seems to be out of town and no one knows about it. Because she is NEVER in her office. So, we wait.

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