Yesterday, we I got Marley all dressed up to have her first pool experience. We got the swim diaper on, the swim suit, the sun hat, and a towel and we were ready to go. I got really excited! She is going to love swimming. But, when we got there, a group of about six kids was there. They do not live here, so I should have told them to leave, but i just didn't feel like causing drama for some reason. And it ended up being too cold still for my little girl. So, we sat by the pool for a while and then left.

Then, we passed some time by taking pictures.

In the evening, we went over to my mom's house for another Crawfish Boil. (How many of these things has Marley been to already?! Three.) All the Geology people were there, my mom and Joel, some Chemistry people, and surprisingly no mosquitoes. Marley begged for crawfish, but poor little thing was unsuccessful.

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