Sunday, May 31, 2009


Graduation weekend didn't go so well. My family was here starting on Friday afternoon, and coincidentally Marley's fifth and sixth tooth decided to start stabbing through at about the same time. We went to my mom's house for dinner, which went okay. But her sleeping schedule had been all screwed up, so about 6:30, she was really really tired. Since graduation was at 8, I figured she could take a little nap to reboot, sit through graduation, and then pass out around 10.

So, we go home and she sleeps for about 30 minutes. Then we get ready and show up to graduation at about 8:30. To waste some time, Asa let me go in and he walked Marley around the garden on campus. Then, around 9:00 they came inside. It was okay for a little while. She was bored, but I figured we had enough people to pass her to. But then the crowd clapped. And Marley screamed and cried real tears. I tried to calm her down, but it just didn't work. She was crying and people were looking at me like, "What are you doing to her?" So, we had to leave.

She was still crying after we got out of the coliseum, so I stopped on a bench and nursed her. That got her a little calmer, but not enough for a car ride. She cried all the way home, and all the way inside. I went straight to the bedroom to put her to sleep, but she just kept crying. I think it was just a combination of being tired, scared, overwhelmed, and in pain. I felt so sad for her, so I just nursed her and rocked her until she finally fell asleep. Then, i left her with Asa and hopped in the car and called Emily. He had walked across the stage five minutes ago... so, I missed it. But everyone was headed back to my mom's house, so I went there to tell him congrats.

Asa calls when I get there and says that Marley is awake and in a bad mood. When everyone finally came and we all talked for a little while, I excused myself to go home. When I get there, Marley is crying and Asa looks defeated. He said he had walked around Windhill, rocked her, fed her, tried everything, but notohing had worked. I took her, sat down in the rocking chair, nursed her, and she fell asleep without a peep. Poor Asa. He needs boobs.

So, overall it didn't go so well. But she was in a better mood Saturday morning for everyone. She smiled and charmed them most of the morning. And now she is passed out in bed! She has had a tiring weekend. Hopefully in two years, when I graduate, it will go better. I want her to see me!

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